Local journalism about candidates running for the Board of Sarasota County Commissioners. Elsewhere on this blog find forums, debates, and recommendations.
DISTRICT 1: Mark Pienkos challenges Mike Moran
Watchdogs see Moran's dual roles as a conflict Herald Tribune 10.14.20
Rural preservation and redistricting hjot topics at Sarasota County Commission forum (Herald Tribune)
Growth and accountability take center stage for Sarasota County candidate Mark Pienkos(Herald Tribune)
In County Commission District 1 contest, developers continue to be among Moran’s biggest supporters, while Pienkos lists mostly retirees among his contributors Sarasota News Leader 10.2.20
DISTRICT 3: Cory Hutchinson vs. Nancy Detert
Detert takes in nearly twice as much money as her County Commission opponent through end of May SNL 6.18.20
DISTRICT 5: "Tree Lady" Alice White vs. Ron Cutsinger