We have power with Single Member Districts
Vote NO on March 8
Don’t let the Commissioners persuade you to dump Single Member Districts and return to countywide election of Commissioners!
It takes dollars to get our message out and combat contradictory or misleading messages.
Please help us get the word out!
The Board of Sarasota County Commissioners has defied the voters of Sarasota County.
The Board has decided to stage a
March 8 Special Election
aimed at overturning
the Single Member District Voting structure that We the People overwhelmingly approved in 2018.
Follow this story on our blog!

Be ready for the March 8 Special Election!
Request a vote-by-mail ballot by 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26
How We Got Here
2018: 60 percent of voters in all five voting districts endorsed electing Commissioners by Single-Member District (SMD).
Republicans, Democrats, and Independents voted for direct accountability at the District level.
19 Florida counties elect their Commissioners by SMD.
The Florida Legislature and US Congress are elected by SMD.
2020: Candidates from both parties ran for County Commission in Districts 1, 3, and 5. In 2022, Districts 2 and 4 will elect Commissioners.
2020-2021: Directly following the November 2020 election, the County Commission publicly questioned the voters’ choice of Single Member Districts, saying that the ballot language was confusing.
We need to keep what we voted for.
Single Member Districts are crucial to our future. Sarasota County is growing -- its population is already too large for all commissioners to be up to speed with every community. With SMD, each district will have a commissioner to address concerns in our neighborhoods, while responding to the public interests of the entire county.

30 Florida Counties
(45% of all counties) elect
County Commissioners using
Single Member District voting (or a variation). Over 14.7 million Floridians, or 67% of Florida's residents, are represented by a County Commissioner elected directly by the voters in a single district. Right now, that includes Sarasota County residents -
help keep it that way!
Citizens for District Power speakers are available to attend your organization or homeowners' meeting. Connect with us today to get on our speakers schedule. Email your request to: citizens4districtpower@gmail.com
Knowledge + Action = Power
Sarasota’s Charter is supposed to guarantee our home rule.
Why this matters (Mission Statement)
Please tell your friends and share with your communities.
This site will update you on Single Member Districts leading up to and through the 2022 elections in Districts 2 and 4.