In November 2018, 60 percent or 115,896 of Sarasota County voters overwhelmingly approved an amendment to the county’s charter that required county commissioners to run for election in individual districts.
Voters approved this amendment to ensure that residents in each of the county's five districts had real representation from their communities. Previously, commissioners ran for at-large seats countywide. Now, the five members of the Commission have decided that it doesn’t matter what Sarasota voters want. Another county charter referendum is on the March 8 ballot, and it would overturn single-member districts, reversing the will of Sarasota County voters.
Sarasota County Commissioners put this on the ballot during the March 8 Special Election because they expect low turn-out and are trying to assure they can subvert the will of Sarasota voters who already approved single-member districts. Throughout the country, states and municipalities have proposed legislation to subvert and sabotage elections. And now, the Sarasota County Commission is trying to do the same thing.
February 26 is the last day to request a mail-in ballot and the first day of early voting. Early voting runs through Sunday, March 6. Election Day is Tuesday, March 8. For election information, visit www.sarasotavotes.gov