From Kindra Muntz:

Kindra Muntz speaking at a Single Member Districts Rally
In the nonpartisan School Board races the Democratic Party’s recommendations are:
Dawnyelle Singleton, District 1
Lauren Kurnov, District 4
Nora Cietek, District 5
Don’t be fooled by text messages you may receive discrediting Dawnyelle. Those texts sound like a ploy by Christian Ziegler to promote his wife’s campaign.
The Democratic Party recommends voting for two out of these three in these non-partisan races:
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Debbie Trice
Sheldon Rich
Here are separate recommendations for Hospital Board:
In my view these are the best choices among them:
Hospital Board Central District Seat 2 - Thomas Dart Hospital Board Northern District Seat 1 - Brad Baker Southern District Seat 1 -Darryl Henry Southern District Seat 2 - Gregory Carter
Attorney General and Commissioner of Agriculture: The Democratic Party cannot take a position on these races, because there are three Democrats competing in each of those Primaries. However, here are the personal recommendations of the Chair of the Party, Joanne DeVries (I agree).
Attorney General - Daniel Uhlfelder Comm of Agriculture - Ryan Morales
Separate Note: The Universal Primary for State Senate
The Democratic Party will not take a position on the Universal Primary for State Senate (in which people of all political parties can vote).
However, I personally recommend voting for the opponent of Joe Gruters, Michael Johnson. Why? Because Gruters
Ran Donald Trump’s Florida election campaign
Named Trump “Statesman of the Year” twice
Sent three busloads of people from Sarasota to the rally in Washington before the January 6, 2021 insurrection
Now chairs the National GOP “Election Integrity Commission” that is coordinating voter-suppression efforts in states across the country!!!
Is a powerful Senator who supports all of DeSantis’s efforts to pre-empt power from the cities, counties and School Boards
The “other guy”, Michael Johnson is an unknown who would have less standing in the Senate and could not do as much damage as Gruters is doing to the people of Florida and around the country on voting rights and more.
See this Letter to the Editor in the Sunday July 17 Englewood Sun and North Port Sun.
Be sure to see Cathy Antunes’ blockbuster expose of Sarasota and Florida elected officials, just released!
I hope you see the facts, get involved, and VOTE!
Kindra Muntz
Editor's Note: