The outcome of the Siesta Promenade decision might have been different if Single Member Districts (SMD) had been in effect. Keep Single Member Districts for greater accountability and fair elections. Which means we, as individuals in our districts get heard more and have a chance to keep a good quality of life here in Sarasota.
"LWVFL has taken a stance on local redistricting and supports single-member districts that are equal in population, protect the voting rights of minority populations and try to take into consideration geographical and political boundaries."

"Voters approved this amendment to ensure that residents in each of the county's five districts had real representation from their communities. Previously, commissioners ran for at-large seats countywide. Now, the five members of the Commission have decided that it doesn’t matter what Sarasota voters want. Protect the will of Sarasota voters. Vote NO on County Charter Referendum #2."
Regardless of your political leanings, you should vote 'No' on County Charter Referendum #2 if you believe in representative government.
Coalition of City Neighborhood Associations - CCNA for the City of Sarasota.

"Ensure that County Commissioners listen to YOU and not just to their largest campaign donors."
"The Sarasota League requests that the commissioners listen to and respect the will of the citizens who voted them into office."
"Single-Member Districts would increase the competitiveness of commissioner elections."

Join Florida Veterans for Common Sense in Defending our Democracy. Preserve Single Member Districts. Sarasota County residents deserve accountable representatives Vote NO on Sarasota County Commissioners' Charter Amendment to abolish Single Member Districts on March 8th.
"Smaller, tightly defined single-member districts make it harder for Sarasota County commissioners to ignore any sections within their representative areas – and much easier for all county constituents to make sure their voices are heard."

"Anyone who favors reasonable controls on growth should vote NO to the developers’ push to repeal single member districts. They fear a candidate who supports neighborhoods, nature, mobility and making growth pay its own way being able to reach the voters with only 20% of the campaign spending as in a countywide election."

"Unfortunately, our commissioners are not responsive to residents. They repeatedly approve new development, but without planning for the roads that impact existing neighborhoods. Meanwhile, the residents who are current water and sewer users are paying the costs to expand the system to accommodate new development."
:60 percent of Sarasoa voters already voted for Single Member Districts in 2018."
"The county commissioners don't believe we knew what we were voting for in 2018. . . we wanted single member distrcits so that we could all be represented by persons that are closer to our neighborhoods."
"Developers love Countywide elections because it costs five times as much for a Commission candidate to reach the voters than in a single member district."
"In 2018, sixty-percent of voters chose single-member districts, and a recent Sarasota County conducted survey reaffirmed that choice."
"Voters must take this opportunity to declare, definitively, that they are not stupid, that they will not be bullied, and that they meant it when they cast ballots in November 2018 for the Single-Member Districts voting system. They must vote “No” on the question that the County Commission has placed on that March 8 ballot to repeal Single-Member Districts."
"Your one vote for your commissioner is more powerful than votes for five commissioners diluted across the county. When only the voters in your district elect your Commissioner, you won’t let 80% of voters countywide decide who your Commissioner will be."

Jill Luke, North Port City Commissioner:
“I've spoken out already [in support of single member districts] and will continue to!"
Video: Arlene Sweeting
"It makes it a whole lot easier for grassroots candidates to run."
"Livability is the most important issue for the majority of Sarasotans, and it is being slowly eroded by the very people who should be protecting us. We deserve candidates who support measured and rational growth."
" . . . the residents of Siesta Key have come to the conclusion that the county commissioners have lost sight of their purpose, which is to serve the people who have elected them."
"Please vote NO on Question 2, on the March 8th ballot, the charter amendment that seeks to overturn Single Member District voting for county commissioners. Single Member District voting lowers the cost of campaigns and gives average citizens a chance to be elected to the Board of Sarasota County Commissioners."
"The 2018 single-member district charter amendment passed by the voters should not be circumvented by county commissioners using a misleading proposed referendum."
"The Board of Directors for the Siesta Key Condominium Council urge all Siesta Key Voters to pay special attention to the March 8 Ballot that has a Sarasota County Commissioners entry to disallow the 2018 vote to change to single member districts. To vote to preserve single-member districts YOU MUST VOTE NO. Clever attempt by your SC Commissioners to catch unwary voters thinking a yes vote is correct." (Email message)
Citizens at the CRB Meeting 5.19.19
"At-large voting puts elections in the hands of wealthy interests," noted Andrea Shlasko. "The high rent districts get a big fake lake to watch rowing, while North Port doesn't have a hospital."
"Many Republicans are talking about "stopping the steal," in a fantasy way. But this would be a real steal, if this happens," said Carol Lerner,
