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Kindra Muntz - Sarasota Alliance for Fair Elections

Follow up to May 19, 2021, Charter Review Meeting: Many thanks to both Republican and Democratic supporters of single member districts who showed up and spoke at the Charter Review board meeting May 19. … Please know, either the Charter Review Board or the County Commissioners could put a repeal amendment on the ballot in 2022. If that is done, you can be sure the power brokers in this county will spend massive amounts of money messaging the public between now and then to try to persuade voters in this county to vote against their interests and return to at-large countywide elections. Voters need to remember, their greatest power is when they and only the voters in their district elect their County Commissioner, not when 80% of other voters all over the county can choose their Commissioner for them.

Your one vote in single member districts is more powerful than five votes scattered over the county over four years. Direct accountability from your Commissioner is better than lip service from five.”

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