Save Sarasota!
Preserve our environment, schools, and democracy
"Dark Money" from developers is trying to undo the will of Sarasota's residents.
The ballot for the Sarasota-wide March 8th special election is important, and the second question was deliberately written to be confusing.
To unobfuscate the developer-friendly sleight of hand, here's a simple tip: Vote YES and NO. So on March 8 (or earlier with mail-in or early voting) vote:
What presently exists works for the public. We want to continue the funding for schools, so "Yes" to the first question. We want to continue Single Member Districts, so "No" to the second question.
Don't let developers destroy Sarasota
On March 8, vote "yes" for schools and "No" to the misleading dark-money amendment to undo the people's choice of single member districts (a.k.a. represntative democracy) Question 1: Schools
YES to supporting schools.
YES to the extra one-mill to keep funding teachers and programs.
YES to keeping existing school funding in place.
Question 1: Charter Amendment
NO to outside special interests overruling the will of the people.
NO to making races more expensive and commissioners less accountable through countywide voting.
NO to the County Commission's misleading charter amendment.
This is not a right or left; Republican or Democrat; urban, suburban, or rural issue...it's a rule of, by, and for the people (& squirrels) issue!
If squirrels could vote, my March 8 ballot would say YES to #1, and NO to #2. Are you voting YES and NO? I hope so.Copyright © 2022 Preserve Payne Park, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Preserve Payne ParkP O Box 2975 Sarasota, FL 34230 Add us to your address book