Developer Pat Neal shocked his audience at the Venetian Golf & River Club on March 1 when he implied, “I never lose.”

The homeowners of the VGRC, Aria, Milano and Cielo have galvanized into a cohesive force to ensure that he does lose in his quest to build a shopping center in our neighborhood, across from the VGRC entrance (“Residents start petition to oppose shopping center, Publix proposal for Venice area,” March 1).
The noise, pollution and traffic will destroy our way of life and our neighborhoods.
Many of Mr. Neal’s homebuyers in the VGRC reviewed the Milano PUD Master Plan, which stated “no commercial development,” prior to building or purchasing homes. Now that most of the lots have sold, he feels he can pull the rug out from under us and amend the plan to remove open space and add commercial development adjacent to our homes.
He is not honoring his commitment and has infuriated homeowners.

We hope the Venice Planning Commission will stick to the letter of city Ordinance 86-130 and reject his request. We moved here to enjoy tranquility, not to shop or sit in traffic.
A sign held up at the meeting March 1 stated, “Don’t kneel for Neal!” We won’t!
Joan Harder Baron, Nokomis