Sura wrote to her Stickney Point communities recently:

The outcome of the Siesta Promenade decision might have been different if Single Member Districts (SMD) had been in effect. Keep Single Member Districts for greater accountability and fair elections. Which means we, as individuals in our districts get heard more and have a chance to keep a good quality of life here in Sarasota.
Any challenger in a primary against an incumbent commissioner without Single-Member Districts in place cannot possibly match the developer funded PAC money for a countywide run. In a single member district situation, a challenger can level the playing field both financially and in personal outreach to the residents within that district.
Please see the link below for more in-depth analysis, as well as the monies from developers that are funding the repeal of Single Member Districts.
Vote NO. We don’t want want to change from a single member district system.
Vote NO. We want commissioners accountable to who they serve -- that means not changing from the system of single member districts we currently have which was approved by the voters on a previous ballot.
Vote NO. We don’t want PACs and dark money infiltrating our community and drowning out what is healthy and good for individuals.

Sura Kochman led the neighborhood fight and was plaintiff in a lawsuit seeking to moderate the effect of Benderson Development's Siesta Promenade, a mixed-use development at Stickney Point and US 41 that will have major impacts on nearby communities as well as upon traffic to Siesta Key and on US 41.