By Kelly Franklin
The ballot for the March 8th special election is important, and the second question was deliberately written to be confusing. To unobfuscate the developer-friendly sleight of hand, here's a simple tip: Vote YES and NO.

So on March 8 (or earlier with mail-in or early voting) vote:
YES to Supporting Schools,
NO to the developers' puppets.
YES to keeping existing school funding in place.
NO to making races more expensive and commissioners less accountable through at-large voting.
YES to the extra one-mill to keep funding teachers and programs.
NO to the County Commission's misleading charter amendment. What presently exists works for the public.
We want to continue the funding for schools, so "Yes" to the first question.
We want to continue Single Member Districts, so "No" to the second question.
My ballot will say YES to number one, and NO to number two.
Are you voting YES and NO?
I hope so.